Monday, October 17, 2011

2011 Lil' Miss Pumpkin Rolls Are HERE!!!

If you are from the local area, click here to place your order:

For those outside the local area and would like to make a donation since I do not have a shipping department, click the button below:

Hi everyone!! Looks like it has been 5 months since I have blogged....shame, shame you know my name! So, so much has been happening and I am excited to fill you all in but first....It is PUMPKIN ROLL TIME!!

We are taking orders now for Thanksgiving and Christmas but don't wait, I can only bake so many! And no, I'm sorry, but I still can't ship rolls. Cream cheese doesn't do great things for ya when it's been in the mail a couple of days. But I have great news! This year our fundraiser is being sponsored by Miracles Child, a fund of The West TN Healthcare Foundation, and if you would still like to contribute to the fundraiser you can just click the "DONATE" button above. No worries, all contributions will go to Lilly!

Now I need to get back to the kitchen but I promise to post some exciting videos for you real soon. So check back here often!

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