Sunday, October 24, 2010

Trusting A Stranger

I wanted to share a wonderful moment that I witnessed today. Just about 6 months ago, my husband and I decided that I needed to try and bring some extra money home. Lilly had just started her 2nd year of preschool and was going 4 days a week. I was looking for something that would work in our schedule and a friend suggested cleaning houses. I was trying to get it done in the short time during school with help from my mom to pick her up. Lilly doesn’t walk yet and my mom started having trouble lifting her. So, Craig and I hesitantly started looking into some type of nursing/respite care at home for Lilly.

This has been the BIGGEST challenge for me as a mother. I had to trust a perfect stranger to care for my child. Lilly is a very content child and would be sooo happy to sit ALL DAY and do absolutely nothing. (You all probably think I’m lucky but it actually works against her sometimes. Isn’t there ever a happy medium with these kiddos!?!?) We went through a home health agency. I had all intentions of firing the first 5 women that would come through my front door. But God was watching over the applicants and He sent us the most perfect aid for Lilly. Mady.

I have had to give up a lot of control. I have been her only caregiver for the past 4 ½ years. I know JUST how to take care of her. I have had to learn that everyone has their own way of doing things. Mine is not the only one. If it doesn’t hurt her or put her in danger, it’s ok. I think my husband appreciates my lesson learned!

It has worked out really great and I have been able to pick up more houses. I have had more time to spend with my son and OCCASIONALLY I do something for myself. It has been very difficult to trust someone and it didn’t happen over night. (I think I spent the first 3 weeks at home with them both!) Knowing that if I have to be gone Lilly is being cared for is a HUGE relief to me. Not everyone has had the same experience as I and I’m sorry for that. But what I came home to today was the most comforting sight….Mady and Lilly sitting on the couch. Lilly was snuggled up in her arms and had fallen asleep while Mady was reading Dr. Suess to her. Lilly NEVER falls asleep anywhere but her bed.

We all struggle with the, sometimes, overwhelming job of caring for these special angles. We need help sometimes and it’s o.k. to ask for it. We love Mady and she is now a part of our family. Thanks Mady!!

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