Wednesday, February 24, 2010

We're HOME!!

We made it home last Friday evening and have started to settle back into our normal routine. Lilly enjoyed going back to school and seeing all her friends and teachers. Those kids are so darn cute! Her therapists at the rehab center have seen her too. Everyone is very excited about the progress Lilly made in Sikeston!

Everyone keeps asking if she is just all over the place now that we are home. The answer is "no". But that's o.k. Lilly has never chose to take the more challenging road when it's up to her, ever. So I really didn't expect her to just go wild! We've always joked and said that she's our "lazy Lilly" and it is so true. But, she is really trying! It is always on her own terms and right now the most motivating thing is food! I'm sure it will transfer over to toys and I have seen that a few times already. So right now we are encouraging the crawling every opportunity we get and ALWAYS making it a good experience for her. She'll get it!

I had a couple of videos from our last day in Sikeston that I hadn't shared. Most of you are my facebook friends and have seen this. But, I just realized.....if you're not then you don't know the big news.....Lilly is crawling by herself now!!! The video is just amazing! Thanks for all your prayers b/c God has answered in a BIG way! We'll post more in a month and let you know how she's doing. Take care till next time!

Lilly lifted weights every morning in the cage. You can see in the back right corner the sand bags lifting as she pushes. It is all on a pulley system. Someone had to take the video b/c Lilly wouldn't push unless I clapped her hands and said, "push, push, push, push" over and over. She is so silly!

This is the last video of our intensive session. If I could put this on the front of my fridge it would be wallpaper!! Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Yeah Lilley--We are so proud of you and all you accomplished with MS Brandy!! Keep practicing!

The Bryants

Anonymous said...

Sorry--I mean Lilly!!