Sunday, October 24, 2010

Enjoying My Gift

WOW! Last weekend we had the priviledge to meet with some Exceptional Families in Tennessee. Thank you Exceptional Family TV for inviting us to be a part of this special thing you have going! It was so natural and easy that it felt like we were meeting up with old friends. I think there is a special bond like that with special needs families.

I walked away with a priceless gift that weekend. I feel like I got my little girl back. I know that sounds strange but let me explain. I have always had this drive when it came to therapy with Lilly. Do you know that she was getting 6hrs a week of out patient therapy, 3hrs at school and a work out at home everyday? Plus the intensives we did twice a year. When I got her diagnosis I researched EVERYTHING....found all the different therapies out there and proceeded to get her into all of them! I was in a race...a sprint. I just kept thinking, "We will work our tails off and at some point during this she will be all better!" I was trying to fix her, she was my little project, my JOB. And I wanted to do my job well!

Somewhere lines got blurred. I forgot Lilly was my daughter, my child, my gift from God. It was that weekend in TN where moms and dads shared so honestly about letting their kids be kids, that I realized I have not truely enjoyed Lilly's childhood. The big lightbulb moment came when eftv asked me for some home videos of Lilly and our family. All I could find were videos of her in therapy! OMGosh...seriously?!?!

So when we got back home to Missouri, I talked with her therapists and we have agreed on a new schedule! Out patient has been cut in half and I can't explain to you the sense of relief I feel. I am so ready to be Lilly's mommy! Maybe her therapist occasionally but that is not my first title! I am ready to enjoy my daughter, my gift!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Tara!
I am so happy we met last Friday!

Lilly is lovely! And a wonderful gift! How nice of the eftv people to help you realize your gift!

I hope for more connection between us online and that we will meet again in the future. Barbara
(from WCD)

Tara said...

Yes, Barbara! Hi! Sorry we didn't meet back up at WCD....we were being pulled in a million different directions for filming. We are still waiting on our site to finalize and will be in touch soon! Take care!